Get rid of the tickets!
Take a picture of it with your cell phone and you can throw it away
From App Android and iOS
Homologado por la Agencia tributaria y Haciendas Forales.
It accepts different types of expenses: Tickets, bills, mileage charges.
Reconocimiento de los datos desde la fotografía: cif, dirección, importe, etc.
Hoja de gastos automática y exportable (pdf, csv).
Implantación: formación, consultoría, posibles adaptaciones.
Integrated with Odoo
Una simple foto y tus gastos estarán accesibles y controlados desde tu Odoo.
Loosing your tickets it is not a problem anymore!
Storing tickets and crumpled bills in your bag or jacket is a matter of days. Don't worry, with Okticket, you can throw them all away. Ah! And forget about having to do the expense sheets by hand. Okticket makes them for you.