Attendance Control with Odoo and NFC
Versiones de Odoo: desde V11 a la actual
Odoo Editions: Community and Enterprise.
Comply with Legislation
In a quick and easy way
At Landoo, we have been using the Assistance application to mark the entry and exit of our employees for over a year.
If you already have Odoo, we can help you to carry out your presence control with guarantees. You can ask us for a quote without obligation on our contact page.
Remember that it is compulsory for Spanish companies from 13-May-2019 (see legislation below)
It is almost as safe as the fingerprint, since it can be used with the cards that employees already have (bank cards, transportation cards, etc.), avoiding possible transfer fraud.
Integrated with HR
Fully integrated with Human Resources, work calendar, holidays etc.
From Odoo or from the device of your choice
It can be used in a number of ways, depending on whether the worker is travelling outside the workplace or is an Odoo user.
Quick and easy implementation
We advise you on the best solution for your company.
We train you in the correct use of Odoo applications
We configure your system to work the way you need
If you wish, we can supply you with the necessary devices.
And all at a fixed and very competitive price.
Standard Functionality
The Odoo "Attendance" application allows you to record the entry and exit of workers and contrast this information with the rest of the human resources information: Time Off, Employees and Schedules.
From all this data, the differences between the hours worked and those accrued can be calculated taking into account the working calendar, working hours and justified leave. The best solution to date for obtaining a report with this data is a community module not included in Odoo.
If the company considers it necessary, this information can be made available to the employee through the usual Odoo web interface.
Additional security features (Landoo)
The Odoo transfer system is quite robust but includes certain weaknesses that, in companies that require a good level of security and traceability, can be a problem.
Some examples:
• if the company has a manual system and kiosks, the system does not record the mode of each transfer.
• in the case of manual transfers, it does not record whether this is done from an office computer, from the mobile phone or from another location.
• in the case of a change in the transfer, it is not recorded who, who or when it has been changed.
At Landoo we are working on it and depending on the interest that our clients transmit us, in one or two months we will develop an improvement that will be compatible with the information already incorporated in the system. If this is your case, do not hesitate to write to us.
And as always, with the additional functionality your company needs
1/ Manual.
2/ Kiosk mode.
2.1/ Kiosk mode with PIN.
2.2/ Barcode, RFID or NFC kiosk mode
Option 1. Tag supplied to the worker.
The company can supply these tags to each worker. However, this way of using them does not prevent tag "loan" fraud.Option 2. Worker-owned tag.
2.3/ Biometric sensors: fingerprint, facial recognition, etc.
Capítulo III, pags 21-/26Artículo 10 (modificación del Estatuto de los Trabajadores) y 11
Medidas de lucha contra la precariedad laboral en la jornada de trabajo
Artículo 10. Registro de jornada.
El texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2015, de 23 de octubre, queda modificado en los siguientes términos:
Uno. (...)
Dos. Se modifica el artículo 34, añadiendo un nuevo apartado 9, con la siguiente redacción:
«9. La empresa garantizará el registro diario de jornada, que deberá incluir el horario concreto de inicio y finalización de la jornada de trabajo de cada persona trabajadora, sin perjuicio de la flexibilidad horaria que se establece en este artículo. Mediante negociación colectiva o acuerdo de empresa o, en su defecto, decisión del empresario previa consulta con los representantes legales de los trabajadores en la empresa, se organizará y documentará este registro de jornada. La empresa conservará los registros a que se refiere este precepto durante cuatro años y permanecerán a disposición de las personas trabajadoras, de sus representantes legales y de la Inspección de Trabajo y Seguridad Social.»
How to have a Kiosk with NFC
• Logitech K400+ Wireless Mouse and Eclipse
• Pantalla táctil 10” Waveshare
• PoE expansion board Geekworm X760
• Jun electronic acrylic with fan
• Caja de fusibles de superficie Hager VS118PES
• Logitech K400+ Wireless Mouse and Eclipse
OTHER OPTIONS with Raspberry.
The 2 above options can be combined in multiple ways to meet the specific needs of each case.
They are based on using a computer and adding a display with HDMI. They are usually not touch-sensitive, so you have to add a mouse and place it on a table:
• Stick computer (Asus, Intel, Chromecast)
• Mini PCr (Intel Nuc, etc.)
• any computer (even an old one) with Chrome or Firefox and USB