As every year, the professional community of Odoo in Spain has organized an event in order to collaborate, publicite the latest developments and make some networking. This year the conference took place in Seville, specifically in the Chamber of Commerce.
We want to appreciate Angel and Silvia from Guadaltech, the OCA and AEODOO for a very good and hard work.
Las jornadas Code Sprint tuvieron lugar de lunes a miércoles (11-13 de junio). Esta vez asistimos unas 80 personas de distintas empresas implantadoras del producto y también 5 representantes de Odoo SA. Como es habitual hubo gente de toda Europa: España, Holanda, Austria, Bélgica, Alemania, Francia y otros.
Para aquellos que no sepan lo que es un Code Sprint, es una reunión de desarrolladores de Odoo con una duración habitual de 3 días. Se realizan unas 3 al año y la ubicación va variando según quien las organiza. Las últimas han sido en Sevilla, Pordenone (Italia), Madrid, Louvain-la-Neuve (Bélgica), Barcelona, Sorrento (Italia), etc. El objetivo es hacer una puesta en común del trabajo de los últimos meses e impulsar nuevos desarrollos comunitarios para Odoo. Esta labor no es remunerada, cada uno se paga sus gastos de viaje y todo el trabajo realizado queda bajo licencia libre AGPL. Al final, toda esta labor redunda en que nuestros clientes dispongan de más y mejor software sin coste adicional.
From the LANDOO team we attended Ignacio and Josean. This were the projects developed by all teams:
Weblate, a new translation system for OCA modules, replacing Transifex. The Odoo modules will continue as same as before.
DDMRP. Migration to v11.
MIS Builder. Reports of Spanish financial ratios and improvements in documentation.
Web and Website Several modules
OpenUpgrade New documentation and improvement of the automatic method so that it works until v11 (before until v10)
ShopInvader. New alternative eCommerce integrated in Odoo that can replace to the Odoo's original.
EDI / electronic invoices. Añadir el formato estándar Factur-X, nuevo estándar europeo para facturación electrónica.
Intrastat. Finish the migration to v10 of this module..
For more information, see: OCA sevilla-code-sprint
As a novelty, this year the community of Odoo developers in Spain has already established its Association, the AEODOO. Therefore, these were the first event that it co-organized, this time with one of its members, Guadaltech de Sevilla.
They were held from Thursday 14th to Friday 15th with plenty of professional assistance on the first day and clients on the second day.
The agenda was very complete and interesting, highlighting the following presentations:
Odoo and RGPD
New accounting treatment without exercise closure
MIS Builder for financial analysis
General Meeting AEODOO
Activities in Odoo 11
Odoo for Hotels
Demand Driven MRP: Adapt to the environment
News from Odoo v12
Authorization of return of products in Odoo (RMA)
For more information, see: AEODOO jornadas-odoo-2018