At first, in servers
Linux was born as an operating system for servers in 1991, and nowadays is the main choice: It is used by the 94 % of supercomputers (wikipedia, oct-2012) and 78 % of web servants (Netcraft, jul-2013).
En servidores departamentales o para pymes no hay datos tan fiables pero según distintas fuentes, cada año se adquieren entre 2 y 4 veces más servidores GNU/Linux que Windows. Y no hay que olvidarse de que los discos NAS que proliferan el las redes de nuestras empresas, son en realidad pequeños servidores GNU/Linux con discos RAID especializados en la gestión de archivos.
Then came the open source productivity software
This process is slower but also constant. OpenOffice and its successor LibreOffice are rising from the first free version in 2000. In Germany they already possess 21 % of the market share of PCs, opposite to the still hegemonic 72 % of MS Office (source:, feb-2010).
In our nearby environment, some big companies have already changed 95 % of its office productivity software towards open source alternatives.
Open CMSs have no rival
WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, MediaWiki, Typo3, Liferay, etc. They are open CMSs (Content Management System) and also are indisputable leaders in web page creation software. Their users are numbered by millions, and as a whole, they have reached a market share near to 95 %.
Desktop operating systems
Though the LINUX use in PCs is still is a hanging subject for companies, Public Administration already has some important experiences of migration (Munich Town Hall from 2003 (15.000 PCs) and the French Gendarmerie from 2008 (65.000 PCs)).
Besides generating important savings, the main target chased in both cases has been to take total control of the information that they handle, avoiding "black boxes". The major safety is called Open Source software.
In spite of the current hegemony of Windows, let's not forget that every day we use Android and MacOS in our mobiles and tablets. Did you know that they are Linux's distributions with a " proprietary layer "?
It's time for open source ERPs
In this case, the appearance of alternatives of quality has been delayed more, but currently we already possess some serious alternatives: Odoo (from 2002), Compiere (2002), Newt (2008), OpenBravo (2006), etc.
The advantages are so significative that a growing number of companies are giving the step in order to verify it.
Have a look to our videos and verify Odoo's effectiveness and intuitiveness. Don't hesitate to ask your questions.